How to Tokenise A LongtermHoildayStudentOffice Rental Property in Bournemouth

If you’re a property landlord or property management company in Bournemouth, you can raise equity in your property using tokenisation. This means that you can sell tokens that represent a fraction of your ownership stake in the property to investors.

This can be a great way to raise money to invest in your property or to cover other expenses. And, because our marketplace is full of clients ready to invest, you can get the money you need quickly and easily.

Does your property qualify?

There are a few things you need to keep in mind if you want to tokenize your property. First, you need to make sure that your property qualifies under the current regulations. There are certain criteria that your property must meet in order to be tokenized. Secondly, you need to find a platform that can help you tokenize your property.
There are a few different platforms out there that can help you with this process. Lastly, you need to make sure that you are comfortable with the risks involved in tokenizing your property. Tokenizing your property can be a great way to raise capital, but it is important to understand the risks involved before you make any decisions.

We can put you in touch with a qualified adviser to see if your property is suitable this is a very quick and simple process.

A great new way to raise equity

Property tokenization is becoming a popular way to raise funds.  By tokenizing your property, you can sell fractions of your property to investors. This allows you to raise funds without having to take out a loan or sell the property outright. The investors own a portion of the property, but you still maintain control over it.

The benefits of this are that you can raise funds quickly and easily, without having to go through a bank or other financial institution. This method of funding is also becoming popular with businesses, as it allows them to raise funds without taking on debt.

The process of turning assets into digital tokens

A regulated tokenization platform is a great way to get your property registered on the blockchain and to list it for potential investors. The platform will carry out all of the process for you and will register your property on the blockchain. Once this is done, they will list your property for interested investors who will be able to purchase a part of your property as a token. Each token will be a fractional share in the property and could be as little as £500. This is a great way to get started in the world of blockchain and to raise money for your property.

With a regulated platform handling everything for you, including listing your property on their own marketplace and Broker sites, you can be sure that your investment is in good hands. You will be able to raise capital through the sale of tokens, with each token representing a share in the property. The regulated platform will then pay out monthly rental income to the investors based on their share of the property. This is a very simple and automated process that has very little human interaction, as the blockchain technology records everything on the ledger.


If you are interested to know more please browse our Information on this page to learn more.

You can also complete our short form at the foot of this page and a adviser will contact you from a regulated platform to see if your property qualifies and supply you with all the information necessary for you to make a informed decision

goldenbix student housing
real estate tokenisation
Blockchain Platform

Benefits of Tokenization

Blockchain technology is making it possible to tokenize property with fully automated, transparent, and non-fraudulent transactions. This could potentially revolutionize the real estate industry by making it easier and cheaper to buy, sell, and trade properties.

Tokenization of real estate assets is a new and innovative way to invest in real estate. By using blockchain technology, tokenization platforms are able to create a marketplace for investors to buy and sell token shares of real estate assets.

Tokenization could also make it possible to fractionalize ownership of properties, which could make investing in real estate more accessible to a wider range of people.


A quailfied pool of investers
A quailfied pool of investers
Unalterable and Indestructible technology
Unalterable and Indestructible technology
Transparency and the traceability of data
Transparency and the traceability of data
Faster Transactions
Faster Transactions

Real estate investing made simple and easy

Trusted Platforms

Tokenization platforms are becoming a popular way to invest in real estate. Essentially, they allow you to buy a piece of a property, without having to buy the whole thing.

This can make it more affordable to invest, and it also means that you can sell your piece of the property at any time. There are a few real estate Tokenization platforms that now have full compliance that have been around for awhile and have a good reputation.

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User Joined
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Property owners

Tokenization Legal Requirments

Different countries and regions have different legal requirements for real estate tokenization. However, there are some trusted tokenization platforms that can help you navigate the legal complexities and ensure compliance.

These platforms can help you create and manage your tokenized real estate portfolios, and some even offer tokenized real estate investment products. When choosing a platform, it is important to consider its reputation, security, and regulatory compliance.

tokenized real estate could reach

$1.4 trillion in five years

Marie Noonan
    Marie Noonan


    We're excited about the potential of real estate tokenization and are spreading the word to our clients. Tokenization can provide greater liquidity and flexibility for investors, and we think it has the potential to revolutionize the real estate industry. We're eager to see how the space develops and will continue to monitor it closely.

    Kieran Staton
      Kieran Staton

      Property Invester

      I'm always on the lookout for new investment opportunities, and this one sounds particularly intriguing. I have a property portfolio in London and this could be a great way to raise liquidity. I'll definitely be doing some more research on this and seeing if it's a good fit for me.

      Chris Knight
        Chris Knight


        Investment opportunities are always welcome, especially when they boast a low entry cost. This should attract people that could never get involved in property investment and to own a piece of real estate to earn good potential returns. Reviewing such opportunities is key to making sound investment decisions.

        Learn About property Tokenisation

        Tokenisation is a new and innovative way to invest in property, and we believe it has the potential to revolutionize the industry. By providing you with information about tokenisation, we hope to empower you to make informed decisions about whether this new investing method is right for you

        Interested to Tokenise your property?

        If you’re interested in tokenising your property, please complete our short form. We’ll then put you in touch with a qualified adviser from a compliant platform to discuss further. This could be a great way to raise capital or fund a project, and there are a variety of benefits to doing so. With the help of an expert, you can assess whether tokenising your property is the right move for you.

          What Type of property you looking to Tokenise?

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          Seamoor Lane

          This site is operated by Goldenbrix., which is not a registered broker-dealer or investment advisor. Goldenbrix. does not provide investment advice, endorsement or recommendations with respect to any properties listed on this site. Nothing on this website should be construed as an offer to sell, solicitation of an offer to buy or a recommendation in respect of a security. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance. You should consult with licensed legal professionals and investment advisors for any legal, tax, insurance or investment advice. Goldenbrix. does not guarantee any investment performance, outcome or return of capital for any investment opportunity posted on this site. By accessing this site and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

          Investors should be aware that all investments involve risk and may result in partial or total loss. Goldenbrix does not provide investment advice or recommendations regarding any offering posted on this website. By accessing this site, investors understand and acknowledge 1) that investing in real estate, like investing in other fields, is risky and unpredictable; 2) that the real estate industry has its ups and downs; 3) that the real property you invest in might not result in a positive cash flow or perform as you expected; and 4) that the value of any real property you invest in may decline at any time and the future property value is unpredictable. Before making an investment decision, prospective investors are advised to review all available information and consult with their tax and legal advisors.Any investment-related information contained herein has been secured from sources that Goldenbrix believes to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and accept no liability therefore. Hyperlinks to third-party sites, or reproduction of third-party articles, do not constitute an approval or endorsement by Goldenbrix of the linked or reproduced content.

          Goldenbrix is an information and 3rd party brokrage marketplace. We do not tokenise properties. All information is provided by sellers and is presented as is. Any contracts or agreements entered into between buyers and sellers are strictly between them. Goldenbrix is not a party to any such contracts or agreements. We cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information provided by sellers. We do not have any control over and do not accept any responsibility for the quality, safety or legality of any property listed, the truth or accuracy of any listing content, or the ability of sellers to complete a sale. You must make your own inquiries and exercise your own judgement in relation to any property that you are considering investing in.